April 8, 2011

God is everywhere:)

I have taken the last few days to ponder not only how amazing God is, but the fact that he is right there beside us as we go through this adoption. We were blown away at the support of everyone who gave towards Adam's orphanage fee, especially the large confidential donor. It is amazing what God's people can do when they work together to see God's plans fall into place. I can't wait to be able to pay-it-forward! We had a rough week this past week. We went from being cabled, to thinking our paperwork was delivered to the Embassy, to finding out we were missing the DS230 for Adam. Somehow our agency forgot to have us do it, and I never thought about it, even though we did it with Titus. So on Wednesday afternoon as I was heading out the door, our agency called to tell me they needed that form ASAP. I dropped what I was doing, signed it and took it to FEDEX. I paid the normal price of "you will need to get an extra job to ship this out" and had it merrily on it's way. At least that is what I thought. Because I went to a place that has FEDEX pickup, and they aren't an actual FEDEX store, they filled out the form based on the address I gave them, instead of me filling it out. I never double checked...yes you know where this is going. Next day, I check and it says it was shipped to different part of Colorado! Our agency is so sweet, they offered to drive around and find it, but FEDEX said it was going back to a sorting facility and would be delivered the next day (friday). I started praying, as well as begging my friends on facebook to do the same thing, and lo and behold, it arrived at our agency on thursday, the day it was suppose to arrive - needless to say our agency shipped it out right away to Guangzhou. Now of course we are praying it didn't delay us and that the Embassy will expedite it. God in action again! Next issue that all PAPs probably were aware of was the possibility of government shut down, which could affect the Embassy processing our paperwork...but God had that all under control too! Isn't He amazing!!?? You may wonder why I worry about a few days here and a few days there, well remember I am going to volunteer at a foster home and don't want to have to fly home for 2 weeks to turn around and go back again. My agency is working hard to help us out so I can stay there. I obviously want God's will to prevail, but I just can't help getting involved:) You think after a few adoptions I would catch on! I guess I better do what I do best - go to sleep and dream of my boys!

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